Hot Tips for Selling Your Home

Some homes can stay on the market for months or even years while others seem to be snapped up before the signboards have even appeared.  Why do some sell quickly and others seem stuck?  It can be down to 5 simple things.


1. The competition

If your home isn’t selling it could be that you haven’t taken into consideration the other competition that is out there.  Understanding your competition is crucial to making sure that you have pitched, presented and priced your property effectively.  Find out what other property is on the market.  Look how yours compares in terms of offering, price and presentation.

2. Clutter, clutter, clutter

We often hear talk of tidying and de-cluttering your home before an open home, but what is clutter?  Clutter can mean different things to different people.  What you see as belongings that add a personal touch to your home, others may view as clutter. 

Unless you already have a very minimalistic style, try boxing up 50% of your decorative items and removing bits of furniture that are not integral to the overall layout of the rooms.  Your home will look bigger, lighter and more inviting.  Also, if you leave some gaps on your shelves and surfaces your potential buyers will imagine how they would fill them and so begin to make a connection with your home.

3. Stage your home

An open home is a performance – make sure you have set the right scene!  You may love particular pieces of furniture in your home because of the meaning they hold for you, but how will they look to a total stranger? 

Putting your home on the market is the perfect time to start packing away your most personal items and bits of furniture that are unique to you and your taste.  You will have to do this eventually anyway when you move so why not get a head start on it now?

We can put you in touch with stylists who can advise you on how to dress your home and loan you all the furniture and accessories you need to make sure your property gives a star performance when it matters most.

4. The first impression is often the only impression

Many vendors concentrate on making the inside of the property as appealing as possible.  While the inside is important the first impression is made as the buyer approaches the front door.  (Potential buyers often look over their shoulders one last time as they walk away so the last impression of your home is also often made by the outside.)

Buyers often visit many homes before they decide which one to put an offer on.  If your home doesn’t make the right first impression it could mean the difference between getting the offer you want and not getting an offer at all.

5. Marketing your home to attract the right buyers

You know the competition, you have fixed on a realistic price, you have packed away the clutter, staged your home and prepped the outside ready for the best first impression, now how do you get people to come and view all your hard work?  This is where good property marketing comes in.

A good agent will not only know the properties for sale on the market in your area and surrounds but will also know the type of buyers looking and how to reach them with greatest effect.  Knowing who is looking and where they are looking is critical to reaching the right type of buyer for your property.

Speak to your agent and find out what type of buyers are interested in your area then find out how your property will be marketed to reach those people.

To make sure you are going about your sale in the best way possible, speak to one of our friendly and highly experienced team members.  We are more than happy to help you get the very best result for your property sale.


Company News


Property Management News

A note from our Department Head, Maria Pakis

The Property Management Department have had busy few months. They have signed 33 leases from August through to October. We have numerous potential tenants searching for the perfect rental property.

Please do not hesitate to contact Maria Pakis on 0426 890 642 to assist with all rental enquiries.

October Feature Property

This months feature property is one of our property management properties, 221 Sutherland Street, Paddington. This property was leased to quality tenants within a week of being on the market. Our New Business Manager, Helena Colnaric was able to achieve a rental return of $2,150.00 per week for our owners. 



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Melbourne Cup – Tuesday 3rd November

Experience the live racing and all the excitement of the Melbourne Cup, live on the large super screen at the Royal Randwick Racecourse. For tickets, visit: