Repair Request

Tenant Assistance During The Holidays
In our absence, we would like to remind you of your property assistant, "Alex".
All you need to do is click here to start chatting with him or you can send an SMS with "Ballard Property" to 0488 883 644.
Alex will step you through what you need to do next and he will update us with what has gone on.
This service is in partnership with reHeroes—you'll find their FAQ guide here.
In the event of an urgent repair during this period, please contact our designated emergency trades as follows:
Electrician: Mr Electrix - 0423 005 599
Plumber: M A Stewart Plumbing - 0413 020 413
Locksmith: Budget Hardware & Locksmiths - 9365 4623
Smoke Alarms Australia: Beeping Support Line - 1300 652 213
For your reference, you can find the NSW guidelines for urgent repairs on Fair Trading's website.